ADVANCE®AI: Trusted by 19 Companies – and Rapidly Expanding in 2025
“现在面对面的客户互动急剧减少,优化 大客户管理(KAM) 时间以向客户精准提供他们需要的和想要的就变得非常重要。
By analysing calls, the Advance AI tool identifies what is required to drive optimum action-based call conclusions. This has enabled us to identify real time in-call skill/ discipline issues and key message delivery opportunities to focus on.
汤姆·艾丽丝Tom Ellis
UK Head of Sales & Marketing Operations, Bayer
“在我们的整个团队中,Advance ® AI 使我们能够始终获得最新、易于访问的通话表现可见性,并清楚地了解我们可以继续优化此功能以改变客户行为。”
Ben Cann
总经理,Republic M!
ADVANCE AI works brilliantly for us because it supports in-field development, while at the same time providing big data to steer campaign fine tuning. It gives potential for strong competitive advantage because we can see which elements of the campaign and selling skills are driving HCP commitment”
希德·波因顿Sid Pointon
特许经营主管,EUCAN,Daiichi Sankyo
After seeing insights in the dashboard, I do feel it is a true reflection of what happened during the call. I was surprised by how accurate it was. It did provide me a focus area for me to develop and I have already started making progress as a result of that focus.”
Sales Representative
Our team started using the tool a little bit ago and it has been great to see the progress. I don’t get to see every MSL too often so when I do get in the field we have pulled up the dashboard to see which skill we want to work on. This allows me to better hone in on that area during the discussion my MSL has with their HCPs. I feel like I can be a better coach now after the call because I can pay attention for those examples during that interaction.“
Field Medical Director
It was great to use and made me more focused on my questions with my HCPs so that the pace of conversation was more nuanced to the subject matter! “
Key Account Manager
I never thought there would be a way to get this objective information in real-time. My team has been able to utilize the marketing strategy execution by HCP segment when a positive outcome occurred to make some adjustments to email campaigns to those HCP segments. We also used the insights to determine that we were overcomplicating our message and needed to simplify it.”
VP of Marketing
It is nice that it is so easy to use. I was initially concerned that it may affect my day-to-day but it fits in very easily because of how simple it is.
My HCPs consent to me using it because I don’t overcomplicate it. That would be my advice to others. I do feel that HCPs will see the positive impact from the tool as I become a better resource for them.”
Key Account Manager